Our Mission

Offer the most nutrient-dense dog food at the best prices, all while helping dogs in need

Why Better Life Dog Food?

We're passionate about enhancing your dog's daily diet with our nutrient-rich, human-grade dog food.

What sets us apart is our innovative freeze-dried technology, with absolutely no preservatives, allowing us to deliver exceptional quality without the need for costly overnight shipping.

Traditional Dog Food

Traditional dog food is processed for up to 76 hours. Yes! In an oven, cooked for over 3 days!

It does not matter if your buying the cheapest brand- that uses rotten and diseased meat or the most expensive brand- that uses chicken toenails and duck leftovers. By the time it is all cooked, the nutrients your dog needs, if they were even there in the first place, are now gone. 

Traditional dog food is comparable to fast food for humans, but worst. Can your dog live off it? Yes. However, your dog will gain weight or have other health issues. Which can lead to complications and added stress on their furry bodies.

Your dog will be unhealthy and not ready to fight off disease or infection, And thats exactly what happened to Nick's (CEO) childhood dog and why he started BetterLifeDogFood.

Our recipe was a combined effort with two dog food nutritionists and a food scientist to make sure your dog is getting the nutrients they need to thrive.

The ingredients are fit for even the healthiest of humans.

Pork Loin, sweet potatoes, zucchini, brown rice, brussel sprouts, apples, spinach.